my past time

IRC -nut

I am an IRC nut to say the least.
I spend most of my free time on the internet or
chatting with all my wonderful friends on line.

All my spare hours are spent on AUSTNET
in the #COUNTRY-WAVS channel
where I am the co-founder along with the munch

I have met the most wonderful people on IRC
and would recommend it to everyone I can.
I enjoy the waves and chatting.
I use mIRC to access this site.

This is a country waves channel
but we enjoy any and all kinds of waves (songs,music)
as you can tell by the midi you are hearing now
(if you are using the IE browser)
Come on over and visit us and share waves
and perhaps share some of yours
with the rest of the guests.
We collect MP3's
(another form of waves,but compressed)
so they are available also.
If you are new to a wave channel we will be
more than happy to help you to set up
so that you can hear the waves
that are being played
(we also have a wave player available)
and to collect some yourself as well.
Hope to see you there!!!


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Copyright© 1997 nicki1 All Rights Reserved
revised august 2/99